Underwater Treadmill
The underwater treadmill is a fantastic option for exercising your pet after surgery. The depth of the water can be changed to control the amount of weight that is being placed on the limbs while varying the speed of the treadmill to get your pet up and moving as quickly as possible for a better recovery.
Stance Analyzer
Utilizing the Stance Analyzer can visibly show you how your pet is progressing through his or her clinical and rehab visits when surgery has been completed. The data collected will keep track of how your pet is shifting weight from the surgical area to other limbs and give you insight into how well he or she is healing.
Cold Compression Therapy
Most pets will experience inflammation and swelling after they have undergone orthopedic surgery. With a cold compression wrap, the effects of cryotherapy and graduated compression will help lessen your pet’s soreness and swelling while enhancing the healing process.
Underwater Treadmill
For those instances when surgery is not an option, your veterinarian may determine that allowing a pet to walk in an underwater treadmill can still be extremely beneficial. Benefits include minimizing how much muscle is lost due to inactivity, control a pet’s exercise while he or she is recovering from injury and help a pet’s mental well-being by allowing those with degenerative diseases the opportunity to walk with the support of the water.
Stance Analyzer
The Stance Analyzer will help evaluate injuries, degenerative changes and a prescribed treatment over a period of time. Subtle changes can be seen as a pet is standing on the device that can alert your veterinarian as to a potential issue or disease process needing to be treated.
Cold Compression Therapy
Cold Compression therapy can be used when soft tissue trauma has occurred due to injury. It can be a nice addition in helping manage your pet’s pain while minimizing swelling and inflammation to achieve a faster recovery.
Weight Loss
Underwater Treadmill
If your pet is overweight, the underwater treadmill can be a great way to help your pet comfortably shed those unwanted pounds. Your rehabilitation therapist will start your pet slowly and gradually increase his or her time and pace as the weight decreases and they get into better shape to improve their overall health.
Stance Analyzer
The Stance Analyzer can be used as a scale to determine your pet’s body weight. The data can be saved and printed off allowing you to keep track of your pet’s weight loss.
Underwater Treadmill
For those canine athletes that need an additional challenge, the underwater treadmill can really push your pet to his or her limits. Cardiovascular fitness, endurance, and muscle mass can all be increased when your pet exercises in water. And, for those times of the year when exercising outside is not ideal, this provides you with an option for keeping him or her in shape for the next competition.
Stance Analyzer
Allowing your pet’s stance to be analyzed can help you potentially see if your pet is experiencing any lameness from intense exercise. The data collected will give you information on what limb, or limbs, has an issue so you can be proactive in preventing injuries.
Cold Compression Therapy
After your pet has had a rigorous workout, you can ice sore muscles, sprains or strains with the cold compression wrap. A massage effect is created on the tissues that helps keep the swelling and inflammation at a minimum so your pet can function at its best level.
Underwater Treadmill
When pets walk in water, they tend to exaggerate how they step more than they do when they walk on land. This can allow the veterinarian to observe if there is a problem with how they are walking and determine a course of action to treat the issue.. This can allow the veterinarian to observe if there is a problem with how they are walking and determine a course of action to treat the issue.
Stance Analyzer
The Stance Analyzer is a great instrument for showing you which limb is affecting your pet. By narrowing down where the problem exists, you can focus your money and energy on the appropriate area for other diagnostics (if needed) and therapeutic interventions for the maximum outcome.