HomeLaser Therapy Blog5 Things You Should Know About Deep Tissue Laser Therapy™

5 Things You Should Know About Deep Tissue Laser Therapy™

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Clinicians are using laser therapy more often than ever before to help reduce pain and inflammation related to many common conditions.

Thousands of doctors and patients have experienced the power of laser therapy and are familiar with its therapeutic effects, but for those who aren’t, here are 5 things everyone should know about it:


1. It reduces pain and inflammation without side effects

Laser therapy uses a process called photobiomodulation. Photons enter the tissue and interact with the cytochrome c complex within mitochondria. This interaction triggers a biological cascade of events that leads to an increase in cellular metabolism and a decrease in both pain and inflammation. Unlike medications, laser therapy reduces pain without undesirable side effects.

It is also important to point out that patients report long-lasting pain relief. While the number of treatments required may vary depending on the acuity of the condition, many patients experience lasting relief after only a couple treatments.

2. Can be used for acute and chronic conditions

When treating acute conditions with laser therapy, it is particularly effective when it is administered as soon as possible following injury (assuming there is no active hemorrhaging). The faster the inflammation is reduced and the healing process can begin, the better. In the case of acute injury, laser therapy helps restore the body to normal function quicker.

With chronic conditions, laser therapy is used most often to help combat persistent pain and inflammation. The new LightForce EXP 25-watt laser is being used by clinicians to quickly reduce inflammation in patients suffering from chronic pain. This therapy laser is especially well-suited for treating chronic conditions because it enables clinicians to treat a wider area of interest while still delivering therapeutically relevant dosages.

3. Treatments can be customized for each situation

Lasers that have larger power ranges offer versatile treatment options. A laser that can be set to operate from 0.5 W all the way up to 25 W, allows the clinician flexibility to treat low and slow or at maximum output.

The availability of multiple treatment heads offers additional flexibility for the clinician. The LightForce Empower™ Delivery System, for example, features 5 different treatment heads, each designed to facilitate optimal delivery in different scenarios. It is important to have several delivery options to ensure the delivery method is appropriately matched to the situation. For instance, when treating over bony prominences, an off-contact treatment method is advisable. However, when treating deep-tissue structures, such as a hamstring, an on-contact massage ball attachment is best to reduce reflection and scattering, and also encourage deeper penetration by displacing excess fluids. Different sized treatment heads can also be advantageous for administering treatments that require varying levels of precision.

Advanced software is another tool that helps with treatment customization. Influence Technology™ allows clinicians to build custom treatments by selecting body region, condition, and specific patient characteristics. Touchscreens and intuitive selection processes make delivering the right dose easy. For even more customization, clinicians can also formulate their own protocols by entering a couple key components with LightForce’s newest software feature, Perfect Protocol™.

4. Treatments Feel Good

One common question related to laser therapy is, “What does it feel like?” Depending on the laser, it can create little to no sensation or it can create a gentle, soothing warmth. Many patients receiving LightForce Laser Therapy treatments report enjoying the experience, especially when a massage-ball treatment head is used to deliver what is often referred to as a “laser massage.”

Patients receiving treatments with higher-power lasers also frequently report a rapid decrease in pain. For someone suffering from chronic pain, this effect can be particularly pronounced.

5. Treatments Are Fast

With LightForce lasers, treatments are quick, usually 5-10 minutes depending on the size, depth, and acuteness of the condition being treated. High-power lasers are able to deliver a lot of energy in a small amount of time, so therapeutic dosages are achieved quickly. For people with packed schedules, patients and clinicians alike, fast and effective treatments are a must.



Hamblin MR, Demidova TN. “Mechanisms of low level light therapy.” Proc. of SPIE Photonics. 2006; 6140: 614001-01-12. doi: 10.1117/12.646294

Kingsley JD, Demchak T, Mathis R. “Low-level laser therapy as a treatment for chronic pain.” Frontiers in Physiology. 2014; 5(306): 1-3. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2014.00306



  • Can I use the laser therapy at home without help from experts.?

    • Hello! The use of Class IV Therapy Lasers is currently restricted to licensed medical professionals. If you would like to find a provider in your area, you may email info@lightforcelasers.com.

  • Hello, I was wondering if this treatment is proper if I have a supraspinatus tendinopathy.
    Thanks in advance.

    • Hello! Laser therapy is effective for reducing pain and inflammation related to many conditions. We recommend reaching out to a LightForce provider directly to determine if it would be an appropriate treatment for you. If you would like to locate a provider near you, you may email your zip code and inquiry to info@lightforcelasers.com.

  • Hello

    Dr.Haraprasad from India, I’ve been using LiteCure Lasers for the last 8 years & treated end no. of patients with slip disc, sciatica, all types of arthritis, AVN hip joints and non healing Ulcer with 80-90% of results.

    According to my experience it’s given permanent and long lasting results.


  • I’ve been having PT for low back problems and especially for severe sciatic pain on my left buttocks down my leg. Is this laser treatment used for and effective in treating sciatic pain? Thanks.

    • Hi Lois. Laser therapy can be effective for treating many types of pain, including low back pain. We recommend speaking with a LightForce provider near you to find out if laser therapy would be a good fit for you. If you contact us at info@lightforcelasers.com, we can send you a list of providers in your area.

  • Can you use Class IV lasers on titanium plates in the body?

    • Hello! It is perfectly safe to treat over titanium implants. We recommend adjusting your scanning speed based on patient feedback as they may report feeling a greater sense of warmth.

  • Wow this seems like a great treatment. Where can i learn more?

  • Does this treatment help SI Joint Dysfunction?

    • Hello. While laser therapy may help to reduce the pain and inflammation associated with a sacroiliac joint dysfunction, it will not address underlying mechanical issues. To determine whether laser therapy would be a good treatment option for you, we recommend consulting a LightForce provider, which you may locate using our practice finder here:

  • Can this therapy be used over plates and screws that are in a wrist as a result of broken bones?

  • I fell and injured my left foot 1 year ago. No bones broken – badly bruised & swollen. Still have some pain. Could laser therapy help the pain. I also have 2 bone spurs in right big toe. Want to avoid surgery if possible. Could this laser therapy help reduce the pain and inflammation.

    • Hi Jo! Laser therapy can help to reduce pain and inflammation in both acute and chronic injuries like the one you are describing. We recommend consulting a provider near you to discuss whether it would be a good treatment option for you. You may locate a provider near you by using our practice finder here: https://www.litecure.com/medical/for-patients/find-a-practice-with-litecure/

  • I have plantair fasciitis and have tried cortosone shots, various orthotics, boots, massage s. Will laser therapy help?

  • I have Posterior Tibial Syndrome…how helpful would the treatment be for this?

    • Hello Maria. Laser therapy can help to reduce pain and inflammation associated with many conditions. We recommend contacting a LightForce Laser Therapy provider to see whether laser therapy would be a good treatment option for you. You may locate a provider near you by using our practice finder here: https://www.litecure.com/medical/for-patients/find-a-practice-with-litecure/

  • How long do I need to wait between treatments?

    • Hi Ashley! Treatment frequency depends on several variables, but typical treatment protocols call for 3 x week for the first week, followed by 2 x week for the next 1-2 weeks as symptoms improve. It is also okay to be treated daily for acute injuries, or when pain reduction is the focus of treatment. However, these are only general guidelines, and we always recommend consulting a laser therapy provider for specific treatment advice. You may locate a provider near you by using our practice finder here: https://www.litecure.com/medical/for-patients/find-a-practice-with-litecure/

  • I broke my wrist, am still in a cast (not plaster) Can i be treated with a cast on?

    • Hi Ken! You cannot treat through a cast – to maximize energy delivery to target tissue it is best to treat directly on the skin. If you progress to a splint that may be removed, you may treat the wrist to help with tissue healing during the period you are immobilized.

  • Hello can this therapy be effective for neck pain and shoulder pain and extreme stiffness. Also upper back pain ?? I have had this problem for years but have not found something very effective ?? Thanks

    • Hello Sally. Laser therapy is effective for reducing pain and stiffness, and can help to provide both immediate and lasting relief. We recommend consulting a LightForce provider to see if laser therapy would be a good fit for you. You may locate a provider near you by using our practice finder here:
      https://www.litecure.com/medical/for-patients/find-a-practice-with-litecure/ Best Regards.

  • Is it safe to use in the neck area?

    • Hello Sam. Laser therapy is effective for reducing pain related to many conditions in the neck. While generally safe and effective, we do not advise treating directly over the thyroid gland at the front of the neck. Your medical provider should be aware of this. To get more specific information on how your neck can benefit from laser therapy, we recommend consulting a LightForce provider to see if it would be a good fit for you. You may locate a provider near you by using our practice finder here: https://www.litecure.com/medical/for-patients/find-a-practice-with-litecure/

  • I tore the miniscus in my leg in Oct. 2016 and refused the surgery. The pain, although not severe, makes me limp and have to use a cane. Will laser treatments take away the pain? (permanently or temporarily?)

    • Hello Janis. Laser therapy will not heal your meniscus tear, but it is an effective tool for reducing pain and inflammation for many joint related problems. The laser could be used as a part of your overall plan of care to decrease pain and improve your level of function. We recommend consulting a LightForce provider to see if laser therapy would be a good fit for you. You may locate a provider near you by using our practice finder here: https://www.litecure.com/medical/for-patients/find-a-practice-with-litecure/

  • I am a golfer and I am experiencing pain from carpal bossing will laser therapy help alleviate the pain allow me to resume golf?

    • Hello Martin! Carpal bossing is a boney problem, in that the bones in your hand have produced excess calcium as part of the wear and tear process at the joints. There can be inflammation and pain involved at times, and for that, laser would be beneficial. However, it will not do anything to resolve the osseous deformity. We recommend consulting with a provider who offers laser therapy to determine if it would be a good treatment option for you. You may located a provider near you by using our practice finder here: https://www.litecure.com/medical/for-patients/find-a-practice-with-litecure/

  • It is being advertised as “warm laser treatment ” , I have a full thickness tear of a he Supra spenatis tendon in my rotator cuff, can warm laser help? I have been going for physical therapy and I am avoiding surgery.

    • Thank you for your inquiry. Shoulder problems that involve damage to the supraspinatus tendon are common. While laser cannot heal the primary pathology fully, it can help with several of the symptoms associated with the problem that should help with your recovery program. We recommend consulting a provider to determine if laser would be an appropriate treatment option for you. If you would like to locate a provider near you who offers LightForce laser therapy, you may do so using our practice finder here:

  • Can this be used safely in the sacral /low back area while pregnant?

  • I have had 3 recent surgeries for chondrosarcoma in my leg. I have pain and inflamation from complex regional pain syndrome. Can I have laser treatment with the cancer diagnosis?

    • Hello Cindy. We advise against applying laser therapy over active cancer sites. We recommend consulting with a physician to determine if it would be an appropriate treatment option for you. You may locate a practice near you who offers LightForce laser therapy by visiting our practice finder here:

  • Will laser therapy help peripheral neuropathy(not related to DM) in my feet?

    • Hello Meg. Laser therapy is effective for reducing pain and inflammation related to many conditions, so we recommend consulting with a physician to determine if it would be an appropriate treatment option for you. You may locate a practice near you who offers LightForce laser therapy by visiting our practice finder here: https://www.litecure.com/medical/for-patients/find-a-practice-with-litecure/

      Additionally, you may read more about laser therapy’s effects on neuropathic pain by visiting our website here: https://www.litecure.com/?s=neuropath

  • Is there any side effects of deep tissue laser therapy LCT 1000 for posterior and rightward subluxation of coccyx with mild surrounding soft tissue edema

    • With proper use, there are no side effects from using the laser in that area.

  • Have you any research on laser therapy helping with a fused knee?

    Thank you!

    • Hi Jarome. We are not aware of any specific research looking at the effects of laser therapy on a fused knee. Laser therapy is effective for reducing pain and inflammation related to many conditions, so we recommend consulting with a physician to determine if it would be an appropriate treatment option for you. You may locate a practice near you who offers LightForce laser therapy by visiting our practice finder here: https://www.litecure.com/medical/for-patients/find-a-practice-with-litecure/

  • Will laser work with people that’s had a toxicity to ciprofloxacin antibiotic? I’m left with pains in legs feet hurt and burn and calf’s hurt, also popping sounds in ligament and shoulders. Looking for a treatment

    • Hello Kevin. Laser therapy is effective for reducing pain and inflammation related to many conditions, but we recommend consulting with a physician to determine if it would be an appropriate treatment option for you. You may locate a practice near you who offers LightForce laser therapy by visiting our practice finder here: https://www.litecure.com/medical/for-patients/find-a-practice-with-litecure/

  • I am completely sold on Laser Therapy, it saved me and my tennis game, Highly recommend to anyone experiencing any pain. DO IT

  • Hi–would this treatment help sesamoiditis? Also, is it safe for a 10 year old girl? Thanks for your help!

    • Hello! LightForce lasers can reduce pain associated with many conditions, but treating over the epiphyseal lines in children is a contraindication of laser therapy (near infrared light has been show to stimulate tissue growth and sufficient studies have not been conducted on the treatment of epiphyseal lines in children). Therefore, we recommend checking with a physician to find out if laser therapy would be appropriate in your specific situation. You may find a physician near you using our practice finder here: https://www.litecure.com/medical/for-patients/find-a-practice-with-litecure/

  • Does this work on herniated disk? I have numbness in hands, arm, and legs. How long does it take to cure?

    • Yes it can be helpful for pain and inflammation associated with herniated discs in the spine. The time frame for relief depends on what the laser clinician finds during your evaluation. Each person is different based on their personal circumstances.

  • I still have pain after 2 quartersone injections over a 2 year period in my shoulder for a very bad ligament tear. Would laser treatment help me and avoid any surgery.
    Thank you

    • Laser therapy can be a very successful therapy for the pain, inflammation, and discomfort associated with shoulder pain. However, ligament tears can be difficult to heal depending on the location of the tear and the extent.

  • Is this laser therapy a permanent fix for arthritis?

    • Laser therapy can be used to help reduce the pain and inflammation associated with arthritis. There have been several studies examining the effects of photobiomodulation on patients with arthritis, which you may find on our website here: https://www.litecure.com/?s=arthritis If you are interested in learning whether this would be an effective treatment consideration for you, we recommend that you talk to your practitioner about the possibility of incorporating laser therapy into your arthritis treatment.

    • It won’t cure your arthritis but it will make the pain subside in some cases go away completely, I’m sold on laser therapy.

  • Is this treatment deep laser therapy helps backacke?


    • Yes deep tissue laser therapy is very successful in alleviating the symptoms of lower back pain. It is safe and fast acting

  • Who can administer this treatment? Are massage therapists qualified to administer this treatment?

    • Hi Melissa. Regulations for administrating laser therapy varies state by state. To find out what your local regulations are, please submit your inquiry along with your location here: http://www.litecureinfo.com/l/39022/2014-06-13/dv51

  • I had a calcaneus bone fracture three years ago. It healed to a point but I can still pain if I do little bit of work on the leg. The pain comes back. X-RAYS don’t show any gap at all but the pain is on and off. Is it treatable as in can I get back to full functionality. And how much this cost.


    • Thank you for your inquiry. Laser therapy is effective for reducing pain, but we recommend consulting a physician directly for specific treatment questions and pricing. You may locate a physician near you who offers LightForce Laser Therapy using our practice finder here: https://www.litecure.com/medical/for-patients/find-a-practice-with-litecure/

  • Hi
    Do you know of any studies for Multiple Sclerosis and how treatment would help this condition?

    • Hello Irma. Research continues to understand the effects of photobiomodulation on diseases of the central and peripheral nervous systems. LightForce therapeutic lasers are indicated for emitting energy in the infrared spectrum to provide topical heating for the purpose of elevating tissue temperature for temporary relief of minor muscle and joint pain, muscle spasm, pain and stiffness associated with arthritis and promoting relaxation of the muscle tissue and to temporarily increase local blood circulation. We recommend talking to your physician to see if laser therapy would be appropriate for you.

  • My primary dr. has said to me through ultrasound that I have an adhesion on my hip. He’s dilated the capsule surrounding the hip twice, to be manipulated by him and by PT , essentially in an effort to break it apart but was unsuccessful. Have you heard of any success stories in this area?

    • Thank you very much for your question. Laser will not break up adhesions but it will dilate the area and decrease discomfort and pain

  • About 1year ago I started having damage show up from radiation (full brain) from 2 years ago for a brain tumor . This has left me with damage to my right side hand, arm, leg and foot similar to a stroke. I have recovered some of my functions but seems to have staled out now. Could this treatment possibly help me

  • I have complete bone on bone knee pain. Will this type of therapy work on a knee that has progressed that far? Thank you!

    • It can help reduce inflammation and pain but will not restore lost cartilage in the knee.

  • I’ve had a total right knee replacement. Will this affect therapy for back pain?

    • Yes it can be very helpful for your knee and the back.

  • I am receiving platelet rich plasma therapy for a torn meniscus. Will laser therapy impede or enhance the effectiveness of PRP?

    • Hello Janis. As the manufacturer, we cannot provide specific treatment advice. We recommend you consult your physician directly with treatment-specific questions.

  • I was wondering what kind of laser it is? Is it a frequency, or a color or a combination? There are so many different kinds of lasers used for different things and I’d like to read up more on this.

    • Hi Paulette! Please visit our new science website: https://www.litecure.com/corporate/ There is an abundance of information related to photobiomodulation therapy designed to help people learn more about the technology involved and how it works.

  • Had a posterior tibial tendon repair in 1999, still have pin and screws in. After recent injury that ankle is painful again. Can laser be used if pins are in joint?

    • Yes laser is safe to use over metal.

  • I had rotator cuff surgery and ended up with “Frozen Shouder” – adhesive capsulitis. Will this type of therapy help with my gaining more range of motion, as in breaking up the adhesions / scar tissue?

    • Yes, laser therapy can beneficial for a frozen shoulder condition.

  • I have a pacemaker. Can the laser treatment still be used?

    • Hello Karen. Laser therapy should not be applied to the thorax or over the pacemaker itself in patients with pacemakers, but may be used on extremities in certain cases. We recommend you consult a physician who uses LightForce Therapy Lasers to determine if laser therapy would be an option in your specific case. You may locate a physician near you by using our practice finder here: https://www.litecure.com/medical/for-patients/find-a-practice-with-litecure/
      Best Regards!

  • Hi, I’m a 21yr old bodybuilder, who suffers back pain caused by overcompensating muscles. Would you recommend laser therapy.

    • Yes absolutely it would be perfect for you. I used laser for my back when I hurt it bodybuilding years ago and it helped me tremendously.

  • I think most insurance does not cover laser therapy. Am I right?

    • Hi Beverly. Please refer to the reply below on the question asked by Karen.

  • I see where my Chiropractor has this therapy. Can it help people with fibromyalgia? Also, she told me that insurance companies do not pay for this treatment. Do you know why they don’t?

  • Is laser therapy is effective for annular tear of l5si disc & please say laser therapy has any side effect like infertility/sterility etc?

    • Laser can be helpful for the pain and inflammation related to the injury. There are no known side effects from laser therapy.

  • Would this treatment help with restless leg syndrome

    • There have benn no studies on its use for restlessness leg syndrome, however it has shown positive effects on nerves and soft tissue regeneration. Have a few sessions and you will know quickly if it will help.

  • Can this treatment help regenerate disc pulp? I have zero disc between s1 and l5 and the two vertebrae rub each other with every move I make. My scans show a tiny sliver between the two. Can the laser build more disc material?

    • LightForce therapeutic lasers are indicated for emitting energy in the near infrared spectrum to provide topical heating for the purpose of elevating tissue temperature for temporary relief of minor muscle and joint pain, muscle spasm, pain and stiffness associated with arthritis and promoting relaxation of the muscle tissue and to temporarily increase local blood circulation.

      Laser therapy has not been shown to regenerate disc pulp. However, therapeutic laser has been found effective in managing low back pain. Below is a link to studies that may be of interest.



  • Has this been treatment been used for Trigeminal neuralgia

    • LightForce lasers are indicated for the temporary relief of minor muscle and joint pain, muscle spasm, pain and stiffness associated with arthritis and promoting relaxation of the muscle tissue and to temporarily increase local blood circulation.

      There have been studies conducted and papers published on the effects of photobiomodulation therapy for the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia. Here is a link to a literature review:


      Also Dr. Paul Bradley at Nova Southeastern University College of Dental Medicine did present data at the 2015 ASLMS meeting “A Comparison of the Immediate Pain Reduction after Class 4 Laser in a Neuropathic Pain Group Versus a Myogenous Pain Group in a Head and Neck Pain Clinic.” He used a LightForce laser to treat patients with burning mouth syndrome (neuropathic pain) or temporomandibular dysfunction (myogenous pain) and reported pain relief from both groups.

  • I have OA in both knees and I understand this therapy can help. Are there any objective scientific findings to back this claim up? Thank you.

  • I had deep tissue laser therapy for torn meniscus in January. 2 Drs told me I had to have surgery asap. I could not walk with out crutches non weight bearing knee. I opted out of surgery and did the deep tissue instead. I could not be more pleased. It took some time, but it was a remarkable process and I would not hesitate to recommend. Told chiropractor that if they got broken into and this machine came up missing, just come on to my house. That’s where it will be. No apologies. Is this treatment used on animals? Friend has dog with ACL. We are looking for surgical alternatives.

  • Can this laser device be used for diabetic neuropathy nerve foot pain? My wife suffers from this on the bottom of her feet and toes. She has tried every drug out there with no effects, or she had bad side effects from the drugs. She tried many topical cremes too, again with no relief. Thanks.

  • I pulled my hamstring in practice about a week ago, with the laser treatments about how soon do you estimate I can be up and running again?

    • Hi Tucker. It depends on a few factors such as how significant the injury was, if it was the first one, how long after the injury before you got treatment, if you are doing other treatments such as exercise, etc. so many variables. Laser can help speed the process, but each person heals at their own pace. Follow your doctor recommended care plan and you will be on the field again sooner.

  • My therapist is applying laser therapy on my arm folded over my chest. The red light is going also over the chest, not only over the arm. Is this dangerous for my heart or liver or spleen?

    • As a manufacturer, we suggest that you talk to the therapist who is delivering the treatment about your concerns. The amount of light that reaches your skin will depend on a number of treatment parameters, such as the treatment power, the treatment head used, and whether the treatment is on or off contact. Treatments should not be delivered through clothing, as this will decrease the amount of light that reaches the skin. You may watch this video for additional information: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQyTz5_0olA

  • Would Deep Tissue Laser help with knee arthritis pain?

    • Yes laser therapy has proven to be very helpful in alleviating the pain assciated with arthritis. Results are often felt after 1-3 sessions.

  • does this procedure have any affect on my pacemaker ???

    • As a manufacturer, we are not able to give treatment advice. The laser should not be applied over the thorax or a pacemaker in patients with a pacemaker. We recommend contacting your physician with any questions regarding your specific condition and treatment.

  • I had my first therapy yesterday and I’ve already noticed a decrease in pain, but a little nausea. Is that normal or maybe not related to the therapy?

    • Hello Joni and thank you for your question! As a manufacturer, we are not able to give treatment advice. We recommend contacting your physician with any questions regarding your specific treatment situation.

  • I’ve had 2 laser treatments for chronic plantar fascititis. should my feet feel kind of sore after treatment?

    • Thank you for your question. As a manufacturer, we are not able to give treatment advice. We recommend contacting your physician with any questions regarding your specific condition and treatment.

  • I have had stenosis for 3 years and have had injections, massage, PT, yoga, etc. with little to now relief. I was told laser therapy would help. How many visits and what is the cost?

  • I have multiple Myeloma. One of the issues I have is paint in me feumer left leg bone between the greater and lesser Tricantors. Will this laser work on the bone, the orthopedic, said because of the multiple myeloma is causing that area to be weak and that is what caused the lesser tricantor to partly separate from the bone

    • No, you cannot use laser therapy for that condition as a result of MM.

  • can having back laser treatments result in having some hair to start falling out??

    • No, therapeutic laser treatment will not cause hair to fall out.

  • Will deep tissue laser therapy help spinal stenosis leg pain?

    • Hi Ann. Yes it can be helpful for that condition. Will take a few sessions to see just how much.

  • My friend told me about laser treatment. I had no idea that it can reduce pain without side effects. I will need to try this out. Thank you for the post.

  • I have received surgery, last month, for a pinched nerve and disk degeneration, I have some numbness in my thumb, index and middle finger of my left arm, which I was told by my surgeon that it’s not permanent but, will take some time to return to normalcy. Over the past two weeks I’ve been getting a series of aching pains in my left shoulder and forearm. Should I consider deep tiissue laser therapy ? I am on medicare / medicaid. Could this therapy be affordablee to a 66 year old semi- retired individual ?

  • I never really knew much about laser therapy and how it could help with pain. It sounds like it is really great for those that have chronic pain, because it can get rid of the pain without damaging the body or having other side effects. My good friend has been having some really bad pain in her shoulder, so it might be interesting for her to look into some laser therapy as an option. Do you have any suggestions on how she can find a good place to get this done at? http://drlionelchang.com

  • I have been to numerous specialists for over 30 years for chronic intractable migraine disease. The quality of my life has seriously declined due to the impact of this long term incredible pain. I’ve been taking my boxer for laser treatment and she has greatly benefited. I am seriously interested in acquiring a machine for in home use for myself.


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