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Fit for Duty

Laser therapy reduces musculoskeletal injury rates at a Canadian pulp mill

Author(s): Jan Summersides, BScPT, FCAMPT, CGIMS & Delia Roberts, PhD, FACSM

Earning Elite-Level Status

In this article Richard Collinge, Head of Medical for the Watford Football Club, discusses how laser therapy is giving his athletes the edge to achieve the extra recovery and performance they need to remain competitive in the English Premier League (EPL).  Collinge discusses applications for laser therapy pre-performance and for post-injury recovery.
Published:  Collinge R.  Earning [...]

Published: Collinge R. Earning elite-level status: Watford Football Club's athletes get a leg up thanks to high-power laser therapy. ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine. August 2016.
Author(s): Richard Collinge, MSC

From Classroom to Athletic Training Room

In this article John Burns, MS, ATC, LAT outlines how Washburn University is using deep tissue laser therapy both in the classroom and in the athletic training room.  Read about how Washburn is maximizing outcomes with their student athletes, and giving students hands-on experience treating with the therapy laser.
Published:  Burns J. From classroom to athletic [...]

Published: Burns J. From classroom to athletic training: Washburn University students and athletes are big winners with contemporary modality. ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine. April 2016; 27(5): 8.
Author(s): John Burns, MS, ATC, LAT

Laser Focus

What to know about adding photobiomodulation therapy to your practice.

Published: De Taboada LH, Frydrych WS. Laser focus: What to know about adding photobiomodulation therapy to your practice. Chiropractic Economics. October 2015; 61(17): 15.
Author(s): Luis H. De Taboada, MSEE, and Wendy S. Frydrych, PhD

Intrepid Center Enlists Laser Therapy

The National Intrepid Center of Excellence (NICoE) discusses innovative interventions that are allowing servicemembers to return to duty.  In this article the authors discuss the unique patient population and therapeutic programs at the NICoE and the role laser therapy has played as an adjunct in returning servicemembers to function.
Published:  Kodosky P, Pape M. Intrepid Center [...]

Published: Kodosky P, Pape M. Intrepid Center enlists laser therapy: Innovative interventions return injured servicemembers to prior levels of function. ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine. November 2015; 25(14): 14.
Author(s): Paula Kodosky, DPT, Lisa Smith, DPT, and Marcy Pape, MPT

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