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Editorial that states that PBM works for wound healing, however PBM is not recommended by wound healing societies. The authors call for more practical application of PBM and more rigorous clinical trials.
Laser therapy on hand osteoarthritis. No placebo control in this study. LLLT was applied to the affected finger joints. LLLT was found to significantly reduce pain and ring size and increase range of motion after 5-7 treatments.
This report is a systematic review of published studies on the effectiveness of passive physical modalities on soft tissue injuries of the shoulder.
Double-blind, sham controlled, crossover study to evaluate the effect of near-infrared (NIR) light on strength and recovery of healthy individuals during exercise. NIR laser (800 nm + 970 nm) was applied to the biceps brachii muscle prior to an elbow-flexion resistance-exercise protocol.
Report on the long-term (5-year) prospective follow-up of 50 unselected patients with discogenic back pain confirmed by MRI.