Studies > LiteCure Laser Used in Study


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Effect of Deep Tissue Laser Therapy Treatment on Peripheral Neuropathic Pain in Older Adults with Type 2 Diabetes: A Pilot Randomized Clinical Trial

Randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled, interventional pilot study assessing the safety and efficacy of deep tissue laser therapy on the management of pain, functionality, systemic inflammation, and overall quality of life of older adults with painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy.

Published: BMC Geriatrics, August 12, 2019;19 (218). doi: 10.1186/s12877-019-1237-5
Author(s): Chatterjee P, Srivastava A, Kumar D, Chakrawarty A, Khan M, Ambashtha A, De Taboada L, and Dey A

Muscular Preconditioning Using Phototherapy Improves the Physical Work Capacity of the Quadriceps when Applied between Repeated Bouts of Resistance Exercise

Triple-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over study suggests photobiomodulation therapy may be a beneficial and safe ergogenic aid.

Published: Journal of Athletic Enhancement, February 2019;7(6), doi: 10.4172/2324-9080.1000310
Author(s): Borsa PA, Dale RB, Levine D, Crow JA

A randomized blind placebo-controlled trial investigating the effects of photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) on canine elbow osteoarthritis

Randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, multi-center clinical study examining the effect of photobiomodulation (PBM) on elbow osteoarthritis in canines.

Published: Canadian Veterinary Journal, 2018 Sep;59(9):959-966.
Author(s): Looney A, Huntingford J, Blaeser L, Mann S

Effects of laser on endurance of the rotator cuff muscles

Double blind, cross-over study of twenty healthy subjects on endurance of the shoulder external rotator muscle group during isokinetic dynamometry.

Published: Lasers in Surgery and Medicine. 2015; 47(S26): 34-45. doi: 10.1002/lsm.22351.
Author(s): Levine D, De Taboada L, Frydrych W, Dale RB

The effects of photobiomodulation on muscle performance of the shoulder external rotators

This study compared the effects of photobiomodulation therapy when it was applied to the shoulder rotator muscle group 30 minutes prior to exercise.

Published: 2017 APTA Combined Sections Meeting. Presentation abstract. Control ID: 2559006. San Antonio, Feb. 15-18, 2017.
Author(s): Levine D, Dodson M, Helms R, Passmore R, Patel M

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